who we are

Illustrate Weddings

is a dedicated division of Gwin Atelier, an illustration agency based in Ghana, specializing in premium custom artwork for weddings and other distinguished events. We infuse an artistic touch into every occasion, creating a lasting impression through personalized, handcrafted illustrations. Each piece is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, resulting in a timeless masterpiece.

Our Services

Classic Soirée Package

Price: GHC 600.00
Ideal for bridal soirées, birthday parties, and graduation celebrations.


  • Custom Illustration (High-resolution JPG and PNG files)
  • Welcome Signage (PDF format)
  • Invitation (JPG and PDF formats)

Premium Soirée Package

Starting Price: GHC 1,000.00
For bridal soirées, birthday parties, and graduation events, this package offers enhanced options.


  • Custom Illustration (High-resolution JPG and PNG files)
  • Welcome Signage (PDF format)
  • Welcome Signage (Printed on Canvas)
  • Invitation (JPG and PDF formats)
  • 50 Printed Invitations with Envelopes

Classic Couple Illustration Package

Price: GHC 1,000.00
Perfect for weddings and other special milestones.


  • Custom Illustration (High-resolution JPG and PNG files)
  • Welcome Signage (PDF format)
  • Invitation (JPG and PDF formats)

PremiumCouple illustration Packages

Starting Price: GHC 1,500.00
Designed for weddings and premium celebrations.


  • Custom Illustration (High-resolution JPG and PNG files)
  • Welcome Signage (PDF format)
  • Welcome Signage (Printed on Canvas)
  • Invitation (JPG and PDF formats)
  • 50 Printed Invitations with Envelopes


Wedding Questions

Questions aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitae. Aliquam tincidunten felis sed gravida aliquam neque libero hendrerit mana the amentane the mollis lacus quam maurisine erase.

Wedding inilla duiman at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus in the nesuzin senenoice misuscit non sesue the aucan volus.

  • How do I plan a wedding in three months?

    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.

  • Do we need a wedding planner?

    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.

  • How should you deal with wedding stress?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • How do you plan a destination wedding?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • What stationery do I need for my wedding?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.